Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
Material and technical base
The educational material and technical base of the Academic School "Psychology and Journalism" is a set of educational facilities, material and technical means designed to provide students with training in educational programs, as well as to carry out scientific research and prepare bachelors and undergraduates.
The educational material and technical base of the Academic School "Psychology and Journalism" meets the tasks of professional training of students with a high intensity of the educational process.
The material and technical base of the Academic School "Psychology and Journalism" consists of eight classrooms (laboratories), a training hall and two laboratory classes equipped with computers, demonstration video equipment – video projectors and laptops.
Conducting lectures and practical classes that meet modern requirements for the organization of the educational process. The classrooms have audiovisual learning tools that allow you to visualize the real process of professional training.  These tools include: a projector, a screen, a TV, etc.

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