Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
The ACADEMIC COUNCIL is created by Order of the Rector and is one of the forms of collegial management of the University.
The activities of the ACADEMIC COUNCIL are based on the transparency and transparency of the discussion of issues within its competence.
The objectives of the ACADEMIC COUNCIL are:
making decisions to create the necessary conditions for students and the teaching staff of the University, in order to successfully implement educational programs;
providing financial support, strengthening the material and technical base of the University;
to promote the further development of the University.
The competence of the ACADEMIC COUNCIL includes:
The ACADEMIC COUNCIL consists of the Chairman of the Council - the rector, vice-rectors, directors of departments, heads of academic schools and structural divisions, representatives of teaching staff, student and public organizations of the University, employers.
The ACADEMIC COUNCIL organizes its work on the basis of an approved work plan for the academic year. Meetings of the Academic Council are held at least once a month in accordance with the approved work plan for the relevant academic year, if necessary, meetings of the Academic Council are held unscheduled.

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