The BOARD OF TRUSTEES is a collegial governing body of the University, acting on the principles of unity of command and collegiality.
The BOARD OF TRUSTEES interacts with the University administration, local executive bodies, interested government agencies and other individuals and/or legal entities.
The mission of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES is to promote the effective functioning and development of the University, enhance the role of “Q” University” in the field of educational and social process, improve logistics, financial support for the University's activities, for more effective interaction with territorial government bodies, institutions, organizations/enterprises.
The main tasks of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES are:
assistance in solving urgent and promising tasks of the University's development, in attracting financial and intangible funds and additional resources to ensure the activities and development of the University;
to promote the continuous functioning of the University's activities and the formation of strategies and programs for the development of the University as an educational, international, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation of the University;
ensuring public control - over the observance of the rights of participants in the educational process and the implementation of public control - over the use of targeted contributions and voluntary donations from legal entities and individuals for the needs of the University;
participation in the improvement of the educational process and improvement of the quality of education.
The BOARD OF TRUSTEES is composed of individuals: representatives of local representative, executive and law enforcement agencies, representatives of employers and social partners, representatives of non-profit organizations (if any) and benefactors (if any). The members of the council exercise their powers free of charge and organize their work on the basis of an approved work plan for the academic year.
The powers of a member of the BOARD of TRUSTEES may participate in the development and implementation of measures for the development of the University, participate in meetings of the Academic Council of the University and its departments, participate in the work of other governing bodies of the University. The order of work of the Board of Trustees:
Meetings of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES are held at least once a year in accordance with the approved work plan for the relevant academic year, in full-time or online formats. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting.
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